Sunset Supper

Client: Teknion Furniture

Size: 8x10

Completed 2022

I was so excited to design custom party favors for Teknion and Projekts’ 2022 designer dinner party. The theme this year was “Sunset Supper” and the dinner took place on a beautiful rooftop in downtown Seattle. The client wanted the final print colors to be inspired by vibrant fall sunsets - pinks, oranges, and blues. The print features songs from our host’s party playlist.

The images below show the beautiful table setting put together by our hosts. The table featured my prints, local-made candles, crystals, and macrons all sourced from women-owned businesses. They coordinated the display textiles and glassware with our sunset theme.

My favorite part about being an interior designer is making connections with other creative people in the industry. The energy at this dinner was one of sharing, reflecting, and connecting as creative people. I was so honored to have my art highlighted at this special event.


Seattle Art Walk


Playlist Print